Wine, Food, and Other Vital Things

The next course: culinary education

It’s time to cook, time to take a big step in the journey that began in my childhood, when I first watched my grandmother cook in her Savannah kitchen. Standing next to Ida, in front of the oven, I began to understand the grace and power of cooking, the magic that happens when one transforms a table into a place of wonder through food.

As many of you know, those lessons are an integral part of my life. At my table, old friends and new guests alike always ask: “Why aren’t you cooking in a restaurant? I would gladly pay for this food.”

Well … that is why I’m reaching out to you. I have gone as far as I can on my own, so this summer I am going to Europe, where I will do stages at two restaurants, each holding three Michelin stars. (In case you don’t know, stages are unpaid internships during which you do anything a chef tells you to do.) I will learn from some visionary cooks and chefs, first at Restaurant Amador, in Mannheim, Germany, and then at a restaurant in San Sebastián, Spain, the name of which I will soon be able to announce.

This is where you can help me: I am looking for supporters – or, to be more exact, investors – to help finance my journey. My goal is to raise $5,000 through 50 individuals investing $100 each. The money will be used to pay for my lodging while doing the stages and for travel expenses to Europe.

My profound gratitude will be the short-term, instant return on your investment. But also, as soon as it is feasible, your support will become shares that you can use to purchase my food when I open my own restaurant. (But there is a lot to do before that can happen, including earning a position in a kitchen where I can continue my journey. I worked in a kitchen in Brooklyn for about four months in 2006, and I learned a lot, including the important lesson that working with food, and feeding others, is a great, and reverential, responsibility. I also learned that I really love to cook.)

If you can – and any amount will be appreciated – please click on the PayPal donate/invest button below.

I look forward to welcoming you to my table.

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  1. Susan Kiddoo

    Wonderful!! I love your blog. And can’t wait to read more! Good Luck to you James!

  2. Stephen Patton

    When do we eat? Shall I bring a bottle of wine?

  3. Su Ring

    SOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Laura Gordon

    What a cool adventure, and to think “We knew him when …”!

  5. Eulonda Lea

    Wow, what a way to kick off The Year of the Dragon!!! You’re my hero. Looking forward to lovely vegan options!!!!

  6. Uta Harnischfeger

    James, Glueckwunsch zu Deinem Mut! I really admire your courage to take this leap – you still at The National or in Dubai for the time being? Please let me know when you are in Germany, Mannheim, and come visit us in Frankfurt, it is only 60 minutes away. Can we hire you as a cook for an evening – you tell us the number of friends we can invite – and the pay (and tip) is yours to take home. Deal? Uta

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