Wine, Food, and Other Vital Things

James Brock and Mise en Place

Chef Elena Arzak imparts some knowledge. (Photo by Angela Shah)

Chef Elena Arzak imparts some knowledge. I listen. Closely.  (Photo by Angela Shah)

James Brock is  a writer and editor, and has plied his trade at newspapers and magazines around the world, including New York, Paris, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Houston, and Los Angeles. He’s a cook, and he lives to (among other things) eat. He staged at Amador, Arzak, and Spring in 2012, and wishes he had been able to stay at each place for a longer period of time. He learned a lot at three fine restaurants, and met some incredible cooks and chefs in three of the greatest countries in the world.

In Houston, James began writing the Wine Talk series (read more here), tasting with sommeliers, winemakers, collectors and others.  He also launched The Brockhaus, a culinary think tank that features dégustation menus and a  wine program. 


Currently based in Los Angeles, he’s exploring all that the city and The Golden State have to offer: the vibrant and rich wine regions, farmer’s markets, restaurants and the people who make them work,  and much more.

The journey continues. 


  1. david swann

    hey jim – got your message – thanks! lai and I were wondering where you went after the National… I’m at 808-389-5141 – dave swann

  2. Randy tibbits

    So sorry to hear that you’ve left Houston Press — hope it’s to fulfill your restaurant plan, or something equally exciting. Though I never met you in person, I very much enjoyed and appreciated your editing efforts on my art pieces for HP. Here’s wishing you all the best. Randy Tibbits

  3. VisitSiena

    thank you for following my blog! happy that you like it:) what an interesting blog you have! for sure will be back here 🙂

  4. Clark Mercer

    Hello James,
    We met briefly today at Central Market. I look forward to reading and hearing all about you and your are currently adventures. Have a great upcoming dinner, the menu sounded awesome!!
    Take Care,

  5. Gregory Gunter

    James, congrats on joining PaperCity…it’s time you did some food & wine coverage on San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, Conde Nast Traveler’s #1 city in the world…come on down!

  6. Melinda Franco

    JAMES!!! Its Melinda Franco, Senior Admissions Advisor for Culinary Institute LeNotre. Not sure if you rememebr me…I was the loud redhead who helped weed through new student chefs! Anyway, I was happy to see your are going to be judging the Truffle Challenge and I hope to see you there. Its how I stumbled upon your venture. Hope things have been well for you, sincerely. I always thought you were such a huge asset to our team and was sorry to see you go. Take care man! : )

  7. John Smith

    Can’t wait to eat at your restaurant James.

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